Landscapes 2019-2020 Bog Study, 12x16 inches, oil on panel, 2020Fallen Tree, 12x16 inches, oil on panel, 2020Bog and Flowers, 40x30 inches, oil on panel, 2020 Fallen Tree and Wetland, 30x40 inches, oil on panel, 2020Beech1, 6x20 inches, oil on panel, 2021Barren Hill, 30x40 inches, oil on panel, 2021Ponds Edge (Winter), 16x20 inches, oil on panel, 2021 Coastal Scrub and Fox, 52x60 inches, oil on linen, 2019Dune and Trees, 11x16 inches, oil on panel, 2019Moors (Provincetown), 12x16 inches, oil on panel, 2019Herring Cove, 12x16 inches, oil on panel, 2019Provinceland study #2, 12x16 inches, oil on panel, 2019View Across a Pond, 8x10 inches, oil on panel, 2019Dead Pine (Provincelands),16x12 inches, oil on panel, 2019Coastal Forest (Night), 10x48 inches, oil on panel, 2019 Coastal Forest (Night), 10×48 inches, oil on panel, 2019