- Bather, 23x8 inches, Plaster and Wax 2020
- Frieze, 14x40 inches, Plaster and Wax, 2023
- Reptilian Head, tinted plaster and beeswax, 7x6x5, 2010
- Katy, tinted plaster and beeswax, 9x4x5, 2010
- Max, tinted plaster and beeswax, 11x7x8, 2016
- Torso, tinted plaster and beeswax, 12x7.5x5.5, 2010
- Balled Up Snake, limestone, 5x5x5, 2000
- Bather, 23x8 inches, Plaster and Wax 2020
- Frieze, 14x40 inches, Plaster and Wax, 2023
- Reptilian Head, tinted plaster and beeswax, 7x6x5, 2010
- Katy, tinted plaster and beeswax, 9x4x5, 2010
- Max, tinted plaster and beeswax, 11x7x8, 2016
- Torso, tinted plaster and beeswax, 12x7.5x5.5, 2010
- Balled Up Snake, limestone, 5x5x5, 2000